Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Proverbs 6

Today I read chapter 6 from my NIV Bible, and I got it, but some things were still a little fuzzy, so I pulled out The Message and re-read it, and I understood it a lot more. So don't be afraid to experiment with different versions and what not. Go here to check out different versions.
Onto chapter 6...
*I am going to be quoting from The Message*
1. This first thing that stood out to me was the author talking about making a promise to someone that you know you can not keep. No matter what the reason is, you need to go tell them you can not keep it. This also goes along with saying no. I know, especially for women, saying no is hard. Whether it be society, our Grandma's, or our husbands, you are made to feel guilty if you can not be everything to all people. Know you boundaries, set limits, know what you can and can not do. It is hard to say no, but it's better to say it up front and go back later and say yes, then to say yes and get all stressed about having to do something.

2. I love the lesson from the ant. Sometimes I struggle with laziness and boredom. You go through different seasons of life where everything is busy, busy, busy, and then other times you are dying to get out of the house an do something. Stay busy, but don't be so busy that you forget to stop and enjoy yourself!

3. Seven things that God hates...
*eyes that are arrogant, a tongue that lies, hands that murder the innocent, a heart that hatches evil plots, feet that race down a wicked track, a mouth that lies under oath, a troublemaker in the family*
Now I think we can all agree that we know someone, or some people that fit into these categories. I am sure at one point or another we fall into one of these categories too. Knowing that God hates these, I am going to be trying my hardest not to do any of these!

4. I love this "For sound advice is a beacon, good teaching is a light, moral discipline is a life path." I am just going to let the Bible speak for itself.

What do you think?
See you tomorrow...


HappyascanB said...

I loved your 4th point. "Sound advice is a beacon."

Holly said...

I'm reading from The Message to help understand it more.

If you end up not being able to do something that you said you would this shows me it is ok to back out. Better to do that then stress yourself out over it!

The lesson about the ant showed me that while it is ok to take a break, it is not ok to be lazy and do nothing all the time.

I've done things that God hates. I've lied. I've went down the wicked path. I have murdered the innocent. God may hate the things I do but He doesn't hate me. He loves me and forgives me for all that I do wrong.

Kristin said...

Okay, the lazy one really spoke to me. I have become lazy and I can't get motivated to do anything lately. I'm not a lazy person by nature. Say a little prayer for me! :)