Saturday, November 22, 2008

Nov. Update

Hey guys! Happy early Thanksgiving! I hope this fall has been going great for you all. We have been so busy with church, but it's been great. The Ridge is growing! We have exceeded our 2008 goal of attendance. It's been very exciting! We are moving into a larger theater in Jan., and then after we outgrow that, we will have to find another place to meet, or open a second site. How awesome!

Eric and 10 other guys from The Ridge just got back from a Catalyst one day conference in South Bend, IN. They all had a great time, and thought it was awesome. Check one out near you!

This Sunday will be our third Sunday in our Jonah series. Check them out on the website. It's been very interesting, and challenging. It's funny because sometimes you think, "I've heard that story a million times, what else could there be to it?" But really, there is a lot! One thing I have learned from Jonah, that applies in my life is that God is not paying you payback, but bringing you back. He did not put Jonah in the fish to pay him back, rather, God was bringing Jonah back to him.

When we get back from our trip to New York for Thanksgiving, Eric will be a guest speaker at a church here, about 45 minutes from us. It is another churchplant that East 91st planted in the early 90's. I am excited to go with him, and see how they do church there. He is preaching at 3 services. So, he'll be a little tired at the end of the weekend.

Molly is growing by leaps and bounds. She is in the 95% for both height, and weight. She has always been up there in the weight department, but now her height has reached up there too. She is tall and lean. All of her little rolls are gone! So sad! She is talking, waving, running, and doing all the little girl things. She also has very blond, curly hair. Molly is such a blessing to us, and we love her more everyday!

I hope you all have a great start to the busy holiday season. Please know that we miss you all, and hope to come visit soon! But more importantly, we pray for you all, and love you guys so much! Please keep us updated on your lives! Have a great weekend!!

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